Author: admin

Horario Retiro de Estudiantes Jornada Mañana de 10:20 a 11:20 horas. Jornada de la Tarde de 14:30 a 15:30 horas. Horario Almuerzo Estudiantes –       1° 
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Estimados Padres y Apoderados: Informamos a ustedes el horario de pruebas atrasadas, que se aplicará de kínder a cuarto medio. DÍA CURSO HORA LUGAR LUNES 
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Estimados Padres y Apoderados: Por medio de la presente, queremos informar, diversos temas que deben tener en consideración: Las Agendas Escolares se entregan en forma 
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Special cloth alert. Always remember in the jungle there's a lot of they in there, after you overcome they, you will make it to paradise. Surround yourself with angels, positive energy, beautiful people, beautiful souls, clean heart, angel. How's business? Boomin.
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In the course we will work on two examples the first one is a full app with six pages and the second one is a car selling websites interface. When you complete the course you will be able to create any design you want whether it’s a website or an app or any web design using what you learned in the course.
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